Why are you called Secular Franciscans?
The Secular Franciscan Order is recognised by the Holy See as a true, but Secular Order. As such, we have an approved Rule which is largely based on St Francis' letter to the Faithful. We also have a period of formation and make vows which are a life commitment. An important part of the Secular Francicscan's life is the monthly fraternity meeting at wihich we attend to any business and then have an extended period of formation and discussion. This is when our life as brothers and sisters is strengthened and nurtured.
The Secular Franciscan Order used to be called the Third Order Secular, and is not the same as the Third Order Regular, of which there are a great many different Congregations and Orders, all of whom also follow Francis and the Franciscan way of Gospel living.
What are Secular Franciscans about?
For us, there is constant dialogue between the Gospel and our daily lives, so that our Franciscan life is more about being than doing. We take the Gospel and apply it to everyday life, always within the insight and teaching of Francis and Clare - which is why it is important that we know their life and writings well. In our everyday life, we try to accept the Gospel in its most radical sense, following always in the footprints of Jesus as Francis did. So the message of the Gospel about being peace-makers, praying as Jesus prayed and prays, forgiving as he forgives, loving as he loves, are not only a beautiful ideal but they signify our mission, our way of life, our vocation. This is the reason why we meet regularly and spend so much time in formation together.
Our Fraternity meets on the 1st Sunday of each month at the:-
Poor Clares Convent, 22, Upper Church Rd Hollington, St Leonard's on Sea East Sussex
why not come along and see you might like what you see.
Contact Pat Lee - Minister at sueandpatlee7@tiscali.co.uk or claresfraternity@googlemail.com
Contact Pat Lee - Minister at sueandpatlee7@tiscali.co.uk or claresfraternity@googlemail.com